Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Co-Op Site, Houghton Regis - Petition Handed In

A petition calling for provision to be made for a social club in Houghton Regis  was handed in this morning by Cllr Alan Winter on behalf of Liberal Democrats.

The petition calls upon Central Bedfordshire Council to make provision for social club premises in its re-development plans for the Co-op site, Houghton Regis.

Online signatures totalled 322. A further hand-written collection of 205 signatures were also handed in. 

Friday, 6 June 2014

Stronger Economy

Some of the things that the Liberal Democrats have done to build a stronger economy.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Petition to Make Provision For A Social Club in Houghton Regis


I've started the petition "Central Bedfordshire Council: We call upon Central Bedfordshire Council to make provision for social club premises in its re-development plans for the Co-op site, Houghton Regis." and need your help to get it off the ground.

Will you take 30 seconds to sign it right now?

Here's why it's important:

We ask Central Bedfordshire Council to recognize the value of a social club to a community in providing a place for social interaction of the residents.

The Houghton Regis Centre, a social club housed in temporary accommodation on the 'Co-op site, Houghton Regis' is being asked to vacate those premises by the end of July 2014, without any alternative accommodation being available. This is so that, under the terms of an arrangement between the parties, the Co-op can hand back the cleared site to the owner of the freehold, Central Bedfordshire Council. The club was a tenant of the Council until the time of the fire in 2006, but the Council has so far refused to indicate whether or not it will make provision for the club in any redevelopment of the site.

You can sign the petition by clicking here.

Alan Winter

Friday, 23 May 2014

Happening In Houghton Regis

A car parking study has been carried out in the town centre. Results and implications awaited by Lib Dem town councillors.

There are now two Walks For Health schemes in the town. Meet on Thursdays at 2pm near the pavilion on The Green. 

CBC are to take back the running of locally outsourced care homes, including Greenacres. We have a lot of residents in the area who are reassured that these facilities will continue with as little interruption to the actual people who do the caring as possible.

The cause of flooding at Porz Avenue and Manor Park is to be investigated.

A new scheme for up to 1,890 new homes  at Thorn and Bidwell is being pursued by private developers (search term: Bidwell West). The public have had an opportunity in March to see top level plans on this and make comment. But Lib Dem CBC councillors are very concerned at ad hoc developments over and above HRN1 and HRN2 that are being hatched by developers. Central Beds Tory-run authority is well behind scheduled in making Strategic Local Development Plans.

A plan to build up to 60 new homes on land off Sundon Road (the former garden centre site) is being considered by developers. (Windy Willows)

Some work may soon start on the new A5-M1 link road, this will be mainly to do with cabling at first. Developer contribution to that scheme is £45m. Completion expected 2016/17.

The Examiner's report is expected on the Woodside Link in October 2014. If approved, this new road from Porz Avenue will run around the south and east of Parkside.

The Wildlife Trust has hired a private security firm at Houghton Regis Chalk Pit, to patrol the site and to help combat the issue of illegal off-roading and other anti-social behaviour.

A plan to rid Kirton Way of dangerous and unsightly concrete left over from a former slide is hoped to be implemented soon.

Issues about the Bedford Square Community centre (heavy door, heating being left on) have been discussed. Plans are being worked up to make more use of this community building by the side of the library in Tithe Farm Road.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Cllr Laura Ellaway - new Mayor of Houghton Regis

At the AGM of Houghton Regis Town Council on 14th May, Cllr Laura Ellaway was elected Mayor, and Cllr Rob Shimmin was elected Deputy Mayor. Both will serve until May 2015.

Mayor 2014/15 Cllr Laura Ellaway. Photo: R. Hines
Deputy Mayor 2014/15 Cllr Rob Shimmin. Photo R. Hines

Outgoing Mayor, Cllr Peter Williams, spoke about the work he had done representing the town, and announced that he and his team, who he publicly thanked, had raised over £8,000 for local charities, Hospice at Home Volunteers, Houghton Regis Helpers, Keech Hospice Care, and SORTED.

Houghton Regis mayor 2013/14, Cllr Peter Williams and consort

A vote of thanks was made by the new Liberal Democrat group leader, Cllr Alan Winter, thanking the Mayor and his deputy, Cllr Peter Carrington, on behalf of all the councillors for the work they had done in the past year, mentioning the legacy that would be left behind, in supporting new ventures including a revived Pancake Race on The Green, School children singing event at the Grove Theatre, and an Art exhibition at Houghton Regis' Bedford Square Community Centre.

Thursday, 20 March 2014


When travellers arrive unexpectedly in an area we know that it can be very stressful for people living nearby. It is up to the relevant landowner to deal with the incursion.

If public land, then the matter might be dealt with by a local or County Council. When travellers last invaded Tithe Farm recreation ground the Town Council had responsibility to remove them, and they were gone by the next day.

Central Bedfordshire Council are currently working towards satisfying their procedures for an incursion at the old bus link, Parkside Drive:

In the event of an unauthorised encampment in your locality, please contact Customer Services and Customer Services will inform the Assets Team and an officer will be allocated to progress the internal procedure, which is summarised below:
·         Check if the land is owned by CBC Done 19/3/2014
·         If so, arrange for a drive-by to confirm exact location  Done 19/3/2014
·         Instruct bailiffs to undertake initial information-gathering visit eg names, ages, licence plate numbers, expected departure date   Done 20/3/2014
·         Once bailiff report is received, request health, welfare, education reports to ensure there are no reasons why an eviction proceedings should not proceed. CBC say final welfare report is expected MONDAY 24th MARCH.
At this point, the police issued a section 61 notice, requiring them to move on by 6pm Sunday 23rd. Travellers have moved from old bus link to Town Council car park on Parkside Drive on the 22nd. Police say section 61 notice still applies to the car park, and they will have to be off by 6pm.
CBC PROCESS would continue thus:

·         Once confirmation that proceedings can commence, send statement of case to legal services
·         Legal services provide a S77 Removal Direction Notice (Section 77(1) of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994), Assets arrange for bailiffs to serve Notice
·         Notice served by the bailiffs on the travellers and their vehicles and the bailiffs will return a Notice endorsed by them to say when it was served, which will be used in Court if proceedings get that far
·         Encampment has 24 hours to leave and remove all vehicles and belongings
·         As soon as possible after departure, environmental services requested to arrange clean up of site
·         Ensure local councillors, Parish/Town Councils, originators of the report, Customer Services and Assets colleagues are updated regularly on the status of the encampment.
The average removal time if travellers stay beyond the initial bailiff visit is approximately 3 weeks. If the health, welfare and education reports identify any reasons why the travellers should not be evicted immediately eg young or old persons requiring medical treatment, this may be longer.
CBC must ensure that it carries out the procedure to ensure that should a Court summons be required, it can prove it has complied with the requirements of the Act.
If the arrival of an encampment on CBC – owned land happens over a weekend the process will be actioned as soon as the report is received by Assets Team on the Monday morning.
If the land is not owned by CBC, the Council has no statutory responsibility to remove the encampment – this is the responsibility of the landowner. However, it may be possible for us to issue a Temporary Stop Notice under the INSERT DETAILS OF ACT, 7 days a week. 

Monday, 24 February 2014

FOCUS Newsletter For Houghton Regis, Published February 2014

These items appeared in the Houghton Regis Focus A3 edition.

No Increase in Town’s Council Tax

The Town Council’s share of your Council Tax bill will remain the same for 2014/15. The budget was set in the last week of January.

Cllr David Jones, Lib Dem Leader of Houghton Regis Town Council, said, “The Local Government Finance Settlement received by Central Bedfordshire Council included an amount to support the new Council Tax Benefit arrangements. Part of that money, some £800,000, is given to mitigate the effects of the new arrangements on Town and Parish Councils. However, it is not ring-fenced, and Conservative councillors at CBC have voted not to pass the money down, but to retain it for that Council’s purposes.”

“In my view, this could be described as legalised theft, and means that the Town and Parish Councils have been penalised twice.”

“At the Town Council, we anticipated the loss of this income of £90,000 when setting last year’s budget, so this year we have been able to provide a “no Council Tax increase” budget without cutting the services provided, something we were very keen to ensure.”

Porz Avenue

We reported the flooding in Porz Avenue. Highways say there could be a bigger problem with broken drains. We reported the lights out in Porz Avenue. Highways promised they would investigate it.
Town Councillor  Laura Ellaway said, “Over the next few months, it is my ambition to report to the council any other issues that could be considered to be a health hazard.  If you find anything you are concerned about, feel free to contact me or contact the Council  direct.”
Call Laura on 01582 537105

Liberal Democrats in Government

This recovery would not be happening without Liberal Democrats in Government.

GDP figures from  the Office of  National Statistics (ONS) show  Britain’s economic growth of 0.7% in the fourth quarter in 2013. Growth was up 1.9% in 2013.

The Coalition Government are cutting your income tax bill by £700. Council tax freezes mean that, on average, households are £1,000 better off over the course of this Parliament. Because we’ve frozen fuel duty, you’re £7 better off every time you fill up your tank. Families with young children will save £1,200 per child through our tax free childcare. And, on top of that, if they’re in infants school, you’ll save over £400 per child, per year because we’re going to provide free school meals.

“Thank you” says councillor

By Councillor Susan Goodchild 

I was delighted to see many local people at my late husband’s Service of Thanksgiving.

Jack fought a long hard battle;  we had a joint determination to face everything together.  He had an indomitable spirit with a quick sense of humour and a deep sense of fairness, I will miss him terribly.

I can only pray that I will find the courage to live as fully as I can, and continue amongst other things, to serve Central Bedfordshire Council and the community of Houghton Regis.

I would like to thank residents for raising their concerns with me, by working together we can hope to get things done!

Recent successes include drop kerbs to The Green helping our more vulnerable residents to reach The Green in a safer way, barriers in Barleyfield Way to prevent nuisance bikes as this places our residents at risk of harm, and significant work has been undertaken in Bedford Road/Vicarage Road, cutting back of overgrown trees and bushes and a general clean up of the area.

Meet Your Councillor

Councillors Surgeries are held monthly at the Library in Tithe Farm Road.
No appointment required. Discuss issues in private or openly.
 22nd February, 29th March, 26th April

High Street Woes

We continue to hear your complaints about our High Street.

The plans for the High Street works were originally delegated by  Central Bedfordshire Council to their officers and Bedfordshire Highways. Then there was a prolonged period of activity while contractors, appointed by the supermarket development, carried out the prescribed works.

The result is plain to see - dodgy zebra crossings, puddles due to shoddy workmanship, and pedestrians confused about where to cross, and drivers irritated.

Last  November exchanges took place between your Houghton Regis councillors, council officials, and Bedfordshire Highways representatives.

We passed on your complaints, and our many concerns, and were promised a report back after safety checks were done.

And that is where we are at the moment; still waiting for them to report back. But we are not resting there, we will continue to press for improvements.


Email: hrfocusteam@gmail.com
Central Bedfordshire Councillors
Cllr Mrs Susan Goodchild (Houghton Hall) 0300 3008525
Cllr David Jones (Houghton Hall)               0300 3008535
Cllr Peter Williams (Tithe Farm)                  0300 3008567
Cllr Dr Rita Egan (Parkside)                       0300 3008518

Houghton Regis Town Councillors
Cllr Alan Winter         514654
Cllr Andrew Roberts 868288
Cllr David Jones         655162
Cllr Laura Ellaway         537105
Cllr Michael Hunting 526630
Cllr Marion Rolfe         866215
Cllr Peter Carrington 866314
Cllr Peter Williams         865358
Cllr Robin Hines         759026
Cllr Rob Shimmin         532444
Cllr Mrs Shirley Gilchrist 519087

Did you know?
Town Councillors receive no payments for attending council meetings.

Community Diary

Are you new to the area and wondering what Houghton Regis has to offer?
Especially if you are a young family and want to find facilities for younger children.
A Community Diary is available through a community network group supported by your Lib Dem run Town Council.
Events at Tithe Farm and Parkside Neighbourhood Centres, local pubs, churches, and meeting places are covered, and new events are always being added and others updated.
The Houghton Regis Diary is online at http://houghtonregis.blogspot.co.uk

Woodside Link

The Woodside Link is a new road intended to provide a more direct route for traffic between the M1 motorway at the new Junction 11a and the Woodside Industrial area.
The application for the new road is by Central Bedfordshire Council, who want to connect the new road to Sundon Road and Parkside Drive.

The Lib Dem run Town Council took professional advice, which concluded that the connection to the Sundon Road should be accepted, and that the reopening of Parkside Drive was unnecessary for the success of the scheme. This has been the basis of our stance at the Public Enquiry currently underway.

A report will be made by the independent Inspector in the summer, before going to the Secretary of State for a final decision.

HRN1 - 5,150 homes

Last September outline planning permission for a huge building scheme was granted.This is expected to bring up to 5,150 new homes, 2,450 new permanent operational jobs and a further 2,550 temporary construction jobs. The scheme will help deliver the Woodside Connection; provide three new primary schools and a new secondary school; a supermarket and local retail; community and leisure facilities; offices and warehouses; and 78 hectares of green infrastructure (about 1/3 of the area).

The scheme will not now be called in by the Secretary of State.

Cllr David Jones said, “This is great news, as it will also expedite the delivery of the A5-M1 Link, which has been sorely needed for many years.”

Work on this new road is now expected to start in the spring of 2015.

Tell Us What You Want

In Houghton Regis we run many events in the town under the auspices of the town council. Circus and fairs come here. There’s a Carnival in July, a play scheme in the summer holidays, and a Classic Car Show in September. And new for this year - a pancake race on 4th March on the Village Green

Have you got any other ideas you’d like considered?

Rabbit Lane Noise

New arrangements to tidy up Rabbit Lane - the pathway running between The Green and Porz Avenue - have left some residents frustrated by noisy motorbikes using the pathway. The problem has been referred to the Sustrans Team. They are now working with a manufacturer to install barriers that will deter motorcycle use, without impeding legitimate users.

Gritting and Potholes

Central Bedfordshire Council have produced a new video showing how they tackle potholes and how they use their gritters.

Lock it Up!

We would like to urge residents to pay attention to locking up side gates, and not to leave valuable items in outbuildings. Thieves are active. They never rest.

Swimming Pool

The Swimming Pool will be reopening in the summer following a local campaign. The
campaigners used social media, and a non-confrontational approach to win support by the public and councils for the pool.

Attendance figures for the dry-side shot up, and now the operating company feels confident that the swimming pool attendance figures will make it worthwhile to re-open the pool.

The campaign group was fully supported by your Lib Dem run Town Council, who allocated paid staff time to help, as well as a grant. We would like to say publicly to the group, “Very well done! “

Cars Seized in Police Operation

Two cars were seized during a police move in November. Lib Dem Councillor Andrew Roberts, from Manor Park, was among many who regularly complained to the police about noise from Foster Avenue.

Bedfordshire Police are now working with Central Bedfordshire Council, and solicitors representing companies who own the road, to try to implement measures to stop the nuisance.

The Focus team urges local people to play their part by reporting incidents.
If an incident is happening and it is an emergency, then ring 999.
Otherwise, ring 101.

Nursing Home News

A revised planning application for a “58 Bed Nursing Home with associated parking and manoeuvring” has been approved. The home would be built opposite Recreation Road, in Tithe Farm Road, depending on when the private developers decide to start.

Combatting Anti-Social Behaviour

Councillor Susan Goodchild has been supporting residents who are the victims of anti-social behaviour. Anti-social behaviour is something that disturbs others, destroys people's quality of life, or destroys the peace and quiet of the neighbourhood.

At Central Bedfordshire Council both the Housing Estates Team and the Community Safety Anti-social Behaviour Team are dedicated to sorting out anti social behaviour and aim to work together with residents so that you can enjoy a quiet and peaceful home environment.

To report, or get advice on these problems call the local rate number 0300 300 8000 : Abandoned Vehicles, Bonfires, Fly Tipping, Graffiti, Illegal Traveller Encampments, Pest Control, Planning, Street Cleaning and Street Lighting.

Noise: 0845 849 5972.
Potholes: 0300 300 8049

Go on! - have a grumble!

To report a problem in Houghton Regis please write to:
FREEPOST, Central Bedfordshire Liberal Democrats, 8, Sycamore Close, FLITWICK MK45 1LT

Don’t forget to add your Name, Address, and any contact email or telephone number. Or ring a contact number, above.